Trinidad Carnival 2014
Trinidad and Tobago Carnival 2014
Trinidad and Tobago annual carnival event held on the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is the biggest and one of best events in the Caribbean and one of the top public celebrations in the world. It is well known for participant's colorful costumes and exuberant celebrations.
Carnival is a 166-year-old festival that has its origins in the clash and mesh of African and French cultures on the 18th-century sugarcane plantations of the West Indies. The French-Creole planters spent the two months between Christmas and the day before Lent indulging in life's pleasures, then covered themselves in ash and repented for their sins when the 40 days of Lent began.
Africans, emancipated from slavery here in 1838, used carnival rituals to commemorate their sufferings on the plantations and at the same time lampoon the lifestyle of their former masters through costumed characters. Today the original characters of carnival are reserved for pre-carnival shows. But the history of the event has been preserved in other ways.
On the morning of J'Ouvert (pronounced JOU-vay, for opening day), festivities begin with a re-enactment of the Canboulay (burning cane) Riots of 1881, when British colonial soldiers were beaten back with sticks and stoned by African masqueraders for attempting to stop them from taking part in carnival.
Trinidad Carnival is easily the largest tourist attraction. More than 50,000 visitors pour into Trinidad each year to celebrate this colorful and joyous festival. In addition to this, the entire country of over 1 million people participates in various activities during the season.
Trinidad Carnival Events 2014
March 3rd and March 4th 2014
Friday December 27th, 2014
- Bumperville 'The Start of Carnival 2014' - St. John's, POS - 10pm-4am
Saturday January 4th, 2014
- TRIBE ICE (Insane Cooler Experience) - Jean Pierre Complex, POS
Sunday January 5th, 2014
- Full Joy Yuhself - Trincity - 3pm-till
Saturday January 11th, 2014
- Illusions Black To Blue Breakfast Cooler Fete - Couva - 1am-8am
- Fantasy "Secret Saturday" Cooler Fete - Pier 1, Chaguaramas - 10pm
Saturday January 18th, 2014
- Red Ants & QPCC "Stomped Cooler Fete" - Queen's Park Oval - 9pm-3am
Sunday January 19th, 2014
- Soka In Moka XV - Trinity College All Inclusive - Trinity Courts, Maraval - 4-11pm
Friday January 24th, 2014
- OUT Cooler Fete - South
Saturday January 25th, 2014
- Queen's Royal College All Inclusive
- Evolve - Premium All Inclusive - Presentation College Chaguanas - 5pm-12am
- ONE Fete 2014 - Queen's Park Oval
- Fire Fete 2014 - Queen's Park Savannah, POS - 9pm
Sunday January 26th, 2014
- In Full View Breakfast Party - Gulf View, San Fernando - 5am-11am
- Carnival Hunters 2.0 - Police Academy Training Grounds, St. James - 10am-6pm
- Set It Off Cooler Cruise - Harbour Master - 3-7pm
- Tobago Love "The Xperience" - Scarborough, Tobago - 3pm-10pm
Friday January 31st, 2014
- Sahara Carnival Breakfast Party - Maracas Beach, North Coast - 10pm
Saturday February 1st, 2014
- Old Hilarians' All Inclusive - Bishop Anstey High School - 5pm-12pm
Amnesia "The Return"
Sunday February 2nd, 2014
- Soaka Cooler Fete - O2 Park, Chaguaramas - 3am-9am
- UWI Fete 2014 All Inclusive - UWI Grounds, St Augustine - 12noon-8pm
- Cool It! The Cooler Party - 3pm-10pm
Friday February 7th, 2014
- Carnival MIST Cooler Fete - 10pm
TLC All Inclusive
Saturday February 8th, 2014
- Fete With The Saints - St. Mary's College, POS - 5pm-11:30pm
- Wicked In White - Queen's Park Oval - 10pm-4am
- "Blue Flame" Red Ants/Blue Range All Inclusive - Blue Range Courts - 9pm-3am
- Girlz Gon White (GGW 14) - Space, La Nouba Carpark - 10pm
Sunday February 9th, 2014
- A.M NAKED - Breakfast Cooler Fete - O2 Park, Chagauramas - 3am-9am
- PREStige All-Inclusive - San Fernando - 3pm-11pm
- Yorke Inc. Annual Carnival All-Inclusive - Trinity College East - 4pm
- O.W.T.U All Inclusive - OWTU Car Park, San Fernando
Friday February 14th, 2014
- Ladies First 2014 - Pier 1, Chaguaramas - 9pm
- Randy Glasgow Annual Ladies Night Out - Jean Pierre Complex, POS - 8:30pm
Saturday February 15th, 2014
- Central Bank All Inclusive - Eric Williams Plaza - 6pm-2am
- South Cancer Society All Inclusive - San Fernando
- Chutney Soca Monarch Finals - Skinner Park, San Fernando
Sunday February 16th, 2014
- Panorama Semi-Finals 2014 - Queen's Park Savannah, Port-of-Spain
- Karambouly Kreations All Inclusive - Twin Walls Compound - 2-10pm
- Rhythms of Carnival 6.0 All Inclusive - UWI Social Club - 4-11pm
Friday February 21st, 2014
- Misty Ridge All Inclusive - 9pm-3am
- Girls Nite Out Cruise - Harbour Master
SOCA4U All Inclusive - Trinity College East, Arouca - 9pm-3am - Army Fete 2014 - Queens Park Savannah - 9pm
Saturday February 22nd, 2014
- Fatima College All Inclusive - Fatima Grounds, Mucurapo Rd - 5pm-11:30pm
- BGSC 15th Annual All-Inclusive "Mirage" - 6pm-1am
- Gulf View Inclusive - Coral Drive. San Fernando, - 6pm-2am
- RAMA - Hasely Crawford Stadium, Port-of-Spain - 6pm
- Chutney Brass - Guaracara Park, Point-A-Pierre - 7pm
Sunday February 23rd, 2014
- GREEN - An All Inclusive Event - Regent Star Hotel, Piarco - 2pm-8pm
- Friends to the Max (CAREC All Inclusive) - Pier 1, Chaguaramas - 3pm-10pm
- Fuad Khan & Friends All Inclusive - Pier 1, Chaguaramas - 4-10pm
- St. Anthony's College 'Feteing Tigers' All Inclusive - St. Anthony's College - 4-11pm
- Carnival Under The Trees "Hearts on Fire" - Hotel Normandie - 4:30pm
- Mai-Tai Carnival - 4pm-12 midnight
- Flight Cruise Carnival Cooler Experience - O2 Park, Chaguaramas - 5pm-12am
Monday February 24th, 2014
- Machel Monday Concert - Hasley Crawford Stadium - 6pm
Tuesday February 25th, 2014
- FallOut 2014 Edition - La Soleded. St. Joseph - 6pm-midnight
- Carnival Under The Trees - Hotel Normandie - 8:30pm
- Eyes Wide Shut Carnivale
Flash "Light Up The Night" - 10pm-4am
Wednesday February 26th, 2014
- Scorch Duck Work Cooler Cruise - Harbour Master - 1pm-4pm
- Trini Jungle Juice + Booze Cruise "MENTAL" - 4pm-Midnight
- LIME All Inclusive - The Hyatt - 4pm-Midnight
- DeJa Vu All Inclusive - Jamboree Park, Valsayn North - 6pm-1am
- IWER Wednesday 'Iwer George in Concert' - Queens Park Savannah - 7pm
- Carnival Under The Trees - Hotel Normandie - 8:30pm
- Fete In De Bowl - Naparima Bowl, San Fernando - 9pm-4am
- Bacchanal Wednesday - Bowen Marine, Chaguaramas - 10pm-till
- WE Wednesday - Queen's Park Oval - 10pm-4am
Thursday February 27th, 2014
- Beach House Carnival All Inclusive - Chaguaramas - 2-8pm
- C'est La Vie All Inclusive - Maracas Bay - 2-8pm
- Escape to the Sanctuary (Headley's All Inclusive) - Playa Del Este, Salybia - 1-8pm
- Stranded By The Pool - Salybia - 6pm-5am
- TRIBE Thursday IGNITE - Stadium Training Grounds, Port-of-Spain - 9pm
Friday February 28th, 2014
- Silent Morning Trinidad Breakfast Boatride - Treasure Queen, Pier 2 - 8am
- La Barge - Chaguaramas - 2-10pm
- Phuket... it's Carnival Friday - Pier 1 Poolside - 2-10pm
- Cocoa Devilz Bayview Cooler Fete - Maracas - 1-7pm
- Carnival Under The Trees - Hotel Normandie - 8:30pm
- Fantastic Friday (Int'l Soca Monarch Finals) - Hasely Crawford Stadium - 7pm
- ISLANDpeople Girl Power - QRC College, Port of Spain - 10pm
- Privilege 'RISE' Cooler Fete - Queen's Park Oval - 9pm
- Blue Range Cooler Fete - Blue Range Courts, Diego Martin - 10pm
Saturday March 1st, 2014
- Caesar's Army REVOLUTION ... A.M.BUSH J'ouvert - 3am-10am
- Suits - Carnival Breakfast Cooler Cruise - Harbour Master - 7am-11am
- Buenos Dias Trinidad Boat Ride - Treasure Queen, Pier 2 - Chaguaramas - 8am
- Soca Brainwash 2014 'The Event' - 10am-4pm
- Kiddies Carnival - Queens Park Savannah - 11am
- Carnival Under The Trees - Hotel Normandie - 4:30pm
- Scorch Carnival Inclusive 2013 - 5pm-11pm
- ANYA the FETE - St. Clair - 4pm-12 midnight
- Jamboree Cooler Fete - Valsayn - 6pm
- The Ultimate ONE Annual All Inclusive - Valsayn South - 5pm-Midnight
- S.S. Wassy Carnival Cruise - Coral Vision Cruises, Port-of-Spain - 7pm-12am
- Chunkay in Central - Rienzi Complex, Couva
National Panorama Finals - Queens Park Savannah, POS - 7pm - Trini Posse Cooler Fete - The Hanger/Bowen Marine, Chaguaramas - 8pm
- Insomnia 2014 'Ultimate Breakfast Party' - O2 Park - 12am-10am
Sunday March 2nd, 2014
- D'Original Breakfast Party (Vale Vibe) - Drew Manor, Santa Cruz - 4am
- Sunny Side Up Breakfast Party - St Michael's Parish Grounds, Diamond Vale - 4am
- Shades 'Prmium All Inclusive Breakfast Party' - La Soledad Estate, St Joseph - 4am
- Double UP - Breakfast on D Avenue - 4am-12pm
- 2 Friends All Inclusive - Maracas St. Joseph - 2-10pm
- Moka Sunday All Inclusive - St. Andrew's Golf Club - 2pm-9pm
- Brian Lara All Inclusive - Chancellor Hill, Queen's Park West - 3pm-12 midnight
- Roast Cruise - Trinidad Carnival Cooler Vibe - Harbour Master - 5pm-10pm
- Dimanche Gras 2013 - Queens Park Savannah, POS - 7pm
- Mania 2014 - Trinidad Country Club, Maraval - 10pm
Monday March 3rd, 2014
- J'Ouvert (3am)
- Chocolate City 5.0 J'Ouvert
- Cocoa Devils J'Ouvert
- Dirty Dozen J'Ouvert
- Fantasy J'Ouvert
- (Paint Meh)
- iCandy J'Ouvert (Chaguanas)
- MAS Jumbies J'Ouvert
- Mud Warriors J'Ouvert (Chaguanas)
- Mudders International J'Ouvert
- Nasty Devils J'Ouvert
- No Draws and Chocolate J'Ouvert
- Powder Posse HD J'Ouvert
- Red Ants J'Ouvert
- Shades de Jouvert Band
- Wacker Wacker J'Ouvert
- Whyte Angels J'Ouvert
- Yellow Devilz All Inclusive J'Ouvert - Parade of the Bands (Carnival Monday)
- Monday Night Mas - Paramin Hill
Tuesday March 4th, 2014
- Parade of the Bands (Carnival Tuesday)
- Pan Trinbago Pan on the Road - Victoria Square and Downtown POS
- Pan Trinbago Las Lap - Western Main Rd, St James
Wednesday March 5th, 2014
- Afterblast - West Palm Hotel, Chaguaramas - 3pm-10pm
- Last Jam V - Treasure Queen. Pier 2, Chaguaramas - 6pm-12pm
- Beach Lime - Maracas Bay, Las Cuevas, Blanchisseuse Bay
- Wild Meat Cool Down - Balandra Bay
- Annual Ash Wednesday River Lime - De Freitas Ranch, Valencia
More Details
- Trinidad Carnival 2015
- Trinidad Carnival 2013
- Trinidad Carnival 2014
- Trinidad Carnival Dates 2012-2020
- Trinidad Events Calender 2012-2030
- Trinidad Carnival Dates 2009
- Trinidad Easter 2014
- Trinidad Easter 2013
- Diwali in Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad Diwali Calendar 2000-2020
- Public Holidays 2013 - 2014
- Trinidad 2012 Calender
- Trinidad Latest Events News
- Getting to Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad and Tobago Climate
- Things to do in Trinidad
- Trinidad and Tobago Airports
- Advertise With Us
Trinidad Events
- Flow supports International Women’s Day events - TT Newsday
- Vincymas promotes carnival in Trinidad and Tobago - TT Newsday
- A First Timer's Guide To Trinidad Carnival - Travel Noire
- Former UNC member Lalla to attend PNM's event at Woodford Square today - Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers
- Former UNC member Lalla to attend PNM's event at Woodford Square today - Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers
- Former UNC member Lalla to attend PNM's event at Woodford Square today - Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers
- How Carnival events benefit students, schools: Feteing for the future - TT Newsday
- BKFC 71 DUBAI TROUT vs TRINIDAD-SNAKE EVENT | BKFC - Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship
- Candy J’Ouvert, Wing-o-Rama top Chaguanas carnival - TT Newsday
- Fr Martin Sirju: Remove ‘cooldown’ label from Ash Wednesday events - Trinidad Guardian